Monday, November 16, 2009

Toys and Trials

Hey everyone! Long time, no blog, yeah, I know.  Right now, I'll catch you up on what I've been doing lately.  For starters, I've finally received my Google Wave invite!  Yeah, I know, a lot of you either don't know or don't care what Wave is.  But for those who do, I'll embed a quick video overview.

Now that you understand what Wave is (kind of) I'll hit you with some screen shots. for your viewing pleasure!

Alright, this isn't your average chat room.  Please realize that for all intensive purposes this is a beta (Google notes it as a preview (top left), so it is not a stable platform yet.  Also, unlike your conventional chat room, you can respond inline to a part of someones message, or just to a specific message instead of just getting bumped to the bottom.  Also, you can't use your Granddaddy's browser with this (ahem, Internet Explorer) and this does not yet work in Opera, BUT, you may as well download a good, modern, fast, shiny, HTML5 enabled, secure, ... oops, did I get carried away? ... Browser.  Start with either Mozilla's Firefox, Google's Chrome, or Apple's Safari.  I have some invites left, just ask if you want one!  If you enjoyed this, try out my new, shiny retweet button or my share on Facebook button, and please comment!

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