Sunday, February 27, 2011

Senior Year

We're over halfway through the school year.  Tomorrow is the 108th day of school, and senior skip day. (Note: I will not be skipping tomorrow)  I think now is as good a time as any to report on the state of my year.  The three classes I'm most interested in this year are: Computer Science II, AP Calculus, and AP Physics.

Let's start off with my most frustrating class: AP Physics.  We are never lectured and expected to learn by watching the teacher do problems.  My problem?  Actually understanding what I'm supposed to do half the time.

Now, my favorite class: Computer Science II.  This is an honors class that I thoroughly enjoy!  We're doing 3D wire frames and I'm just having a blast starting my day with some good coding.  We're still using Visual Basic 6, but I expect we'll be in C++ later this year. I can't wait to get a real taste of what real life coding is like, because the graphic editor in VB6 just seems way too easy.  Object Oriented Programming, here I come!

Finally, AP Calculus.  This is my hardest class.  Derivatives, integrals and a very rapid pace.  My teacher is awesome and I have had her for three years of my high school career, so I'm loving the class!  I just wish I could get better grades on my tests.  (Part two of a test tomorrow)  Anyway, I expect to pass the AP exam, and decide if I want to retake the class in college.  Now, speaking of college....

As I approach the end of my senior year, no doubt some people are wondering what's next for me.  I'm proud to publicly re-announce my decision to attend Grove City College, an hour north of Pittsburgh, PA!

Grove City is a Christian college where I plan to major in computer science and potentially math.  I am looking forward to the spiritual and academic opportunities over the course of my next few years, and hope to share more in the future!