Sunday, October 9, 2011

Thank You Steve

I'm not going to apologize for offending people.  I just have to put this out there.

I'm not sure why I'm writing this.  I'm not sure what my connection is.  I've never owned an Apple product, but somehow, the loss of Steve Jobs is impacting me.  I could gloss over what a visionary he was, I could say I think how he's the greatest businessman of all time, but that's already been said.  I could say how I bet he's just a really awesome guy and a great dad, but that's already been said too.

What I'm pondering, is controversial, but I have to get it off my chest.  The reason I'm saddened, is that I'm a Christian, and that Steve wasn't.  He was a Buddhist.  I don't believe he is going to heaven, and that is crushing me.  An incredible person, a great businessman and a great dad, and a great neighbor, and gifted, and talented, and a genius who thought differently than anyone of his time, but still lost.

This is so hard for me to write.  There are millions of people in his same circumstance, and his death is bringing that once again before my eyes.  I want to believe that he is in heaven, but I can't.  Maybe he is, maybe his beliefs changed before his death.  Still, there are millions who haven't.

Steve, thanks for all you have done.  Thank you for changing things.  Thank you for thinking differently.  Thank you.

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